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CSU Shares Looks Fairly Priced

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    Solo FIRE

Constellation software CSU reported earnings and has very strong performance, with revenue grew by 26% and free cashflow grew by 36%.

The stock looks fairly valued despite recent rally. The estimated per share value should be about C$4349 using discounted cash flow calculation, suggesting a CAGR of 13% for the next 5 years. The assumptions are listed below:

  • Free cashflow available to shareholders (FCFAS) growth of 15% for next 5 years (Average is 15.7% for the past 5 years )
  • Future price to FCFAS ratio of 35 (Average is 35 for past 5 years, varies between 25~50 )
  • Latest FCFAS of US$1.16 billion
  • Discount rate of 10%
  • No share dilutions

I believe the above assumption is not very conservative so I consider the stock fairly valued currently. I will personally continue to hold the stock and passively adding more every month, as it is a very high quality business and the management has a great track record.

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