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2025 January Portfolio Update

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    Solo FIRE

Blossom Portfolio including TFSA, RRSP, Non-registered accounts

1. Purchases in TFSA using $7k new contributions and dividends

27 ATD @ $74.86
1 ATD @ $77.2
4 CNR @ $144.77
1 CSU @ $4493

My TFSA account has reached $186,500 in value on top of $81,815 original contributions. You can find my TFSA portfolio holdings and performance here:

2. Purchase in RRSP using dividends

CNR 1 share@ $144.32

3. Purchase in non-registered account using dividends

CNR 2 shares @ $146.82

Smith Maneuver Portfolio (Not tracked)

This is a leveraged portfolio investing borrow fund from my HELOC. No trade was made in the past month. Note that this is a strategy with higher risks, not recommended for new investors. Here are my current holdings:

ATD      $10,207.75
CNR      $11,234.68
CSU      $9,506.04
IFC      $5,937.45
MEQ      $5,142.50
GOOG CDR $6,103.90
AMZN CDR $9,178.00
VISA CDR $7,908.04

Total: $65,218.36 (Principal is $60,000, up 8.73%)
HELOC balance: -$60,795.18

You can checkout my full Smith Maneuver setup in this blog post:

(All $ represents CAD)

Comments and Questions

Make sure to leave your comments/questions on my original Blossom post and I will try my best to answer them.

DISCLAIMER: SoloFIRE is not a registered financial advisor. This post contains author's personal opinion only and it should NOT be considered financial advice.